The Sims Shipwrecked

Shipwrecked is what I would look for in a Young Adult novel with equal amounts of sass, adventure, drama, and romance. Pokemon x version romsmania. I like how Curham manages to make sure that there is an equal amount of girl/boy time to girl/friend time. Shipwrecked follows a dance crew as they become wrecked on a desert island while they travel to a cruise ship to perform. R/Sims4: An unofficial subreddit devoted to discussing all things related to The Sims 4. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

1. ShipwreckedSims
  • 'Shipwrecked' A Sims 4 gameplay challenge. In Sims 3 this was a challenge with toddlers, which, if I may add, even more trying with slightly different rules.
  • SHIPWRECKED viewers were left outraged tonight as the new twins were savagely broken up and Sim was sent home because she’s not single. Identical twins Dani and Sim chose to join Tiger island.

Patrick and Lea are two geologists researching in the Caribbean. One day, they were out on their boat to do some field work and it had a leak - they ran out of fuel to go back to shore. Finding themselves in the middle of the ocean, their best hope was to wash out on the shore somewhere, where they could ask for help returning. But eventually, night fell and they were forced to spend it on the small boat. Morning came and they found themselves close to land. They paddled but soon realized their plan hadn't worked - they'd washed up on a deserted island. Although this might normally be a great opportunity for their research, they were now stranded. They couldn't ask for help returning or call anyone. All that was left to do was find shelter and wait for someone to come find them.

'Ugh, NO!' Lea was frustrated. 'You have GOT to be kidding me!' She kicked the sand.

Patrick finally caught up with her. She had stomped furiously the whole way here and this was not a positive conclusion to their hike.

'We are freaking stuck here! I just took a lap around the island and there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING here. Remember the plan to hope to get to shore so we could ask for help? Yeah, you can forget about that here!' she said, furiously.

'Don't worry, somebody will find us. They'll be looking for us,' he said, trying to comfort her. The last thing they needed was to panic. What they needed to do was figure their situation out.

'We're in the middle of nowhere! We floated the whole night, we won't be easy to find. And we sure have no way out. Besides the leak, the boat got totaled from the rocks by the shore..'
'They knew where we were headed yesterday, so they'll search the area. We'll be back in no time,' he persisted.
But even Patrick had to admit that his stomach turned when he finally managed to look around him and assess the situation.
Lea just sighed.
'Come on. We have to find some food, we haven't got anything to eat since yesterday. And we're gonna need some wood to keep ourselves warm. I bet it gets chilly at night,' he said.

'This spot should be good for us to spend the night at,' Patrick called out, as he dropped the firewood. He'd found a rocky shelter. They'd be able to stay warm there and protect themselves from any animals that may roam about at night.

'Hey, Patrick! I think I found a tomato seed,' Lea yelled. 'I'm gonna plant this. I don't trust the berries here..'
'Go ahead, I'm trying to catch a fish. Man, I've never been so glad I brought my fishing rod,' he said.
Lea was about to answer back when Patrick yelled, 'Argh!! These little guys are so SNEAKY! I almost caught one.'
She just laughed at that and went away to find more seeds.

The Sims Shipwrecked
But what she found was the love of her life - animals. She loved them, and the little foal accompanied by his mother just melted her heart.

Meanwhile, Patrick had caught a minnow and was now being.. Patrick. He was playing around with a turtle.

Sims Shipwrecked

But he did build them a make-shift toilet behind the rocks. He was as proud as a 5-year-old who just built his first sandcastle.

The Sims Shipwrecked

They finally managed to eat something and get warm. They kept the fire going into the night to keep them safe and warm.
Before they went to sleep, Patrick reassured her, 'They'll come find us, Lea. I promise. We'll be out of here in a day or two..'
He couldn't have been more wrong.
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While playing a game in Story or Freeplay mode, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + S.

Display information

While playing a game in Story or Freeplay mode, press [Alt] + [Shift] to display information for the current lot and objects or terrain under the mouse pointer.

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Cheat Codes

Note: The following cheats will only work in Shipwrecked And Single mode (Story mode) after it has first been completed normally. The codes will always work in Wanmami Island mode (Freeplay mode). Additionally, codes will only work when a lot is loaded, and not in the 'Neighborhood' screen. While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. You can enter the first part of a code and press [Tab] to have the console complete the rest of the command. Press [Up] or [Down] to scroll through the console window history. Press [Esc] to close the console window.

Result Cheat Code
Increase family resources by 1,000kaChing
Increase family resources by 50,000motherLode
Toggle Buy mode tools that are normally disabled in a
community lot [Note]
boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true or false]
Toggle aging for all Simsaging [on or off]
Toggle checking for patches through content browserautoPatch [-on or -off]
Toggles if bugs in a jar can live foreverbugJarTimeDecay [on or off]
Make pet actions cancellableboolProp petActionCancel [0 or 1]
Makes pets controllableboolprop controlPets [0 or 1]
Press [Comma] or [Period] to rotate any object in 45
degree increments
boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [0 or 1]
Display versiongameVersion
Clear console windowclear
Close or hide the console windowexit
Close or hide the console windowhide
Expand or contract the output portion of the console
Toggles vertical syncvsync [on or off]
Log help outputhelp [wildcard or -all]
Log help outputh [wildcard or -all]
Log help output? [wildcard or -all]

Note: Any items you buy will not be saved when you leave the lot. Try selling them before leaving to get your resources back.