Hunted The Demon's Forge Walkthrough
Closing/Contact.(5CC) Introduction Hello, and welcome to my guide for Hunted: the Demon's Forge. The purpose of this guide is to provide a general guidelines guide for how to play the game along with some tips to get through the game's main campaign. Hunted: The Demon's Forge: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides) Searle, Mike on shipping on qualifying offers. Hunted: The Demon's Forge: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides).
- Hunted The Demon's Forge Review
- Hunted The Demon S Forge Walkthrough
- Hunted The Demon's Forge Cheats
- Hunted The Demon's Forge Mods
Successfully complete the game to unlock Adventure+ mode. This mode allows you to start a new playthrough with your previously earned crystals and gold, as well as infinite arrows, regenerating health and mana, and one hit kills.
Old School modeSuccessfully complete the game to unlock the Old School difficulty.
TrophiesSuccessfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
The scheduler dialog window is opened when you click on Scheduler button, or pick 'Downloads-Scheduler' main menu item, or pick 'Edit queue', 'Schedule', or 'Create new queue' menu items from queue context menu in the list of queues in 'Categories' window. Here you can move through the list of queues and select different queues. Scheduled download manager.
- Cashews on The Counter (Bronze): Complete the Tutorial.
- The Iron Triangle (Bronze): Complete Chapter 1.
- Rockstar (Bronze): Complete Chapter 2.
- Kung Fu Graphics (Bronze): Complete Chapter 3.
- Mr. Furious (Bronze): Complete Chapter 4.
- Whatever It Takes (Bronze): Complete Chapter 5 .
- Like Butter (Bronze): Equip a Rare, or better, quality weapon in both inventory slots.
- All That and a Bag of Chips (Bronze): Obtain an Epic quality weapon.
- Don't Cry, Little Dragon (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Find all Dragon Tears in the game.
- Life Support (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Revive your fallen companion 20 times during the game.
- Raise the Not Quite Dead (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Cooperatively kill 50 levitating enemies.
- Ice Queen (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Cooperatively kill 50 frozen enemies.
- You Broke It, They Bought It (Bronze): Shatter the shields of 50 enemies.
- Kaboom (Bronze): Kill at least 3 enemies with one explosion.
- Is Something Burning? (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies using explosive barrels.
- Joined at the Hip (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Perform a Spell Link with your companion 20 times during the game.
- Pump YOU Up (Bronze): Adventure Mode - Battle Charge your companion 50 times during the game.
- God Complex (Bronze): Create your own Crucible level.
- One Man Wolf Pack (Bronze): Unlock 1st piece of Crucible content.
- Dungeon Makeover (Bronze): Unlock 50% of Crucible content.
- LF1M Dungeon Crawl (Bronze): Complete a 25 room map in Crucible.
- Not on My Watch (Bronze): Kill a fleeing Wargar in the town of Dyfed.
- Rampage (Bronze): Kill 20 Wargar before the crane platform gets to the bottom in the Dungeons of Dyfed.
- Catch! (Bronze): Escape the Collapsing Aqueduct without taking any damage.
- Bull in a China Shop (Bronze): Trick the Minotaur into destroying all the pillars in the Arches of Fire section in Llyr.
- Eye for an Eye (Bronze): Kill an Eye of Annuvin before it can summon reinforcements on the Road to Kala Moor.
- Razor Sharp (Bronze): Kill 15 enemies with the Forest flechette gun on the Road to Kala Moor.
- I'll Huff and I'll Puff.. (Bronze): Trick a blind dragon into shooting down the weak tower in the depths of Kala Moor.
- Business of Makin' Sausage (Silver): Complete Chapter 6.
- Sandy V. (Silver): Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as E'lara.
- Situation (Silver): Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as Caddoc.
- Crystal Clear (Silver): Adventure Mode - Collect all possible crystals throughout the game.
- It's All a Top Priority (Silver): Adventure Mode - Use the Deathstone to communicate with every spirit in the game.
- Dungeon Master (Silver): Unlock all Crucible content.
- Late to the Party (Silver): Adventure Mode - Free all bound prisoners throughout the game.
- Gold Finger (Gold): Amass 100,000 gold.
- Hunted: The Demon's Forge (Platinum): Unlock all trophies in Hunted: The Demon's Forge.
Additionally, there are 14 secret trophies:
- Arachnophobe (Bronze): As Caddoc, conquer your fear as well as the spider god in Chapter 2.
- Cat Fight (Bronze): Kill the assassin at the docks in Chapter 3 as E'lara.
- Basic Instinct (Bronze): Kill the assassin at the docks in Chapter 3 as Caddoc.
- Hello Nurse! (Bronze): As E'lara, defeat the Infected at the end of Chapter 1.
- The Dr. Is In (Bronze): As Caddoc, defeat the Infected at the end of Chapter 1.
- Exterminatrix (Bronze): As E'lara, squash the spider god while holding Caddoc�s hand in Chapter 2.
- Grounded (Bronze): As Caddoc, Put down the Blind Dragon at the conclusion of Chapter 5.
- Femme Fatale (Bronze): Defeat Annuvin as E'lara.
- Man Slaughter (Bronze): Defeat Annuvin as Caddoc.
- Banished (Bronze): As E'lara, send the demon in the library back to hell at the end of Chapter 4.
- Exorcist (Bronze): As Caddoc, send the demon in the library back to hell at the end of Chapter 4.
- Boots and a Handbag (Bronze): As E'lara, kill the Blind Dragon at the conclusion of Chapter 5.
- Piddlin' in the Porridge (Silver): Adventure Mode - Finished a game where one player drank the Sleg.
- Above the Influence (Gold): Adventure Mode - Finished a game where neither player drank Sleg.
This table has been made for Hunted: The Demon's Forge
It should support most game versions, tested with v1.0.
Hunted The Demon's Forge Review
Trainer download link:
1. Enable cheat scripts
2. Unlimited Health
3. Unlimited Mana
4. Unlimited Ammo
5. Rapid fire
6. Extra rapid fire
7. Infinite Charges (for enchanted weapons)
'Enable cheat script' will activate the cheats. You need to enable this option before you could use any of the cheats.
The cheats are affecting the selected charachter only.
Unlimited Health: This will freeze your health and max health to 9999.
Unlimited Mana: This will freeze your mana and max mana to 9999.
Unlimited Ammo: Unlimited Ammo for the bows.
Rapid fire: This cheat will allow the elf character to fire arrows much more faster. (About 10 arrows/second).
Hunted The Demon S Forge Walkthrough
If you combine it with some magic too, this will decimate the enemies very quickly. If you turn off the cheat,
it will still be enabled until you load the last save game.
Hunted The Demon's Forge Cheats

Infinite Charges (for enchanted weapons): Enchanted weapons will have infinite charges.
How to use this cheat table?
Hunted The Demon's Forge Mods
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1